Is it the period of time from 00 : 00 AM which is the minute that comes right after 11: 59 PM today, to twenty four hours from then? Or is it the period of time that begins when you wake up and ends when you sleep? Technically, both of them are correct. Why would you even consider the time you sleep to be a part of your day right?
But is it as simple as that? I take tomorrow a bit differently.
If we split tomorrow into to-m-orrow, and add a little bit to it, we get to me sorrow. What I mean by this is: anytime today we schedule something for later, precisely tomorrow, we are not doing us a favor.
When we set ourselves to do important but mundane tasks for tomorrow and get into whatever unnecessary stuff we want to do, we are actually tricking the mind into a state of relaxation, and in the conscious level that is somewhat true. From watching our favorite TV Show, or the latest movies, we get relaxed in a way.
But what happens in our subconscious level is completely different. What goes on in there? The scene would be: our WORK THOUGHTS fighting against the LAZINESS THOUGHTS, trying to push us to our limits to achieve our goal. And as we delve ourselves deeper into the movie slowly forgetting the worries about the tasks that need to be done, the LAZINESS THOUGHTS slowly dominates and as we continue our habit of procrastinating work, the WORK THOUGHTS slowly depletes never to return.
To me sorrow To-m-orrow.
So, the more we procrastinate, the weaker our power of decision, our level of commitment, our determination gets. And these are a few of those things that are really hard to get back. In a nutshell, achieving our goal is difficult, it requires a lot of hard work and patience. Procrastinating adds more work to it.