We set huge goals. That’s awesome if we achieve it — something that no one has done, or something everyone would like to do but cannot — right?
But there is a simple flaw in our life: we cannot always be achieving ‘the great’ right? That would just not work, would it?
But that does not mean we are bound to fail in things we love to do. We just need to build more steps in the stairway to the Goal. We need to trick the mind into believing that the goal is not that far, and slowly step by step get to the goal. Taking each step would be a motivation for the next step forward. We do not have to jump to the top at once; we could get to the top step by step. It may take a lot of time, but the stress it puts on us, the effort required for it, would be a lot less.
What’s the best part?
Even if you fail at some point. It would be just one step we would need to redo.