All of us wait to start something. Our mind gets flooded with ideas, tasks, and to-dos, in the span of a single day. But rather than starting them instantly, we hesitate. In the end, the idea looses its value and, soon after, a could-be-game-changer-idea is forgotten.
Is fear behind our hesitation? Or is there something positive holding us back for the better?
Surprisingly, its experience. We try to gain experience in everything to improve ourselves in that particular area, and experience is the very thing that blocks the way forward? Funny right? Well…
In the course of our growth, to however much we have grown, we have undertaken countless tasks, started countless projects, completed many too. So where does experience go wrong?
Lets suppose, we were an Architect, and somehow, a strange, but clever structure popped into our mind. Engulfed by the amount of happiness, the gifts the completion of the structure would bring to our lives, we start working on it, day and night, fully determined to get to the end. At some point, we get stuck. Nothing seems to work. And after a few tries we give up. We force our selves to realize that we are not good enough, that we were just not made to do this stuff. Soon, the idea gets forgotten.
This, the idea-work-give-up cycle, circulates countless times in our lives, and each time it completes, it adds a layer to the barrier limiting our true potential, and removes a layer of ‘Patience’ from our inventory.
By the time we are reading this article, we have probably built a thousand layers of covering, and depleted patience to almost zero. So, when we start building on ideas, or skill, or anything new. We seem to give up the moment we face an obstacle.
The only way to clean up the mess is to start practicing ‘Patience.’
A simple example of patience would be this.
In a 2400-mile run contest, no matter how fast a runner can run, if he speeds up using all his might (Hard work) at the beginning of the race in an effort to put a huge gap between him and the rest, he is sure to be passed by the ones who had the patience to wait. The patience to wait and persevere even in the face of loss (the sprinter getting so far ahead).
This should explain the fact that just setting a Goal and working hard is not enough to reach the goal.
Teach you self Patience. Hustle. Win.