The Future Social Media is leading us to? Something to think about.

Inspirational speakers, marketers, brands, all off them, use Social Media to promote their goods, and that is a smart way to reach the over three billion people. This being said, is Social Media the key to success for selling brand, products and services? Is it the paradise for advertising?

Yes, it is indeed. With just a click of a button, your product reaches a million people. But Wait, that is just one side of the story.
All of those brands, those wise Gurus make use of this platform to sell their services and product, and us in the other hand are provided with fixes for our life. It is a fair deal right? Think about it a little more, all of the advertising in Social Media for services and products are helping you to find the right medicine for your troubles, but at the same time they are stabbing you in the back.
Social Media advertising, depends on all of us, three billion people, wasting our time consuming mostly garbage to find medicines for our troubles. We are trading time for fixes.
All said and done, everything might seem a fair deal right now, but as Social Media grows, as everything gets included in the package, Social Media might become a bit more trouble than you have ever anticipated.

In the earlier days, slaves worked their ass off to buy freedom from their masters. Now, we are working our ass off to get those chains of slavery back into our lives, because freedom is too mainstream for us, maybe? Would Social Media in the coming years amount to the very chains of slavery that everyone will have to overcome — overcome the temptations to be connected through social media — to achieve something for themselves happiness and meaning in their lives? Or would we be happy to be enslaved, consuming garbage searching for the cure for one wound while turning a blind eye on the other side for the enemy to do as he pleases?