How to maintain the prime level of productivity once you achieve it?
Have you ever been in a situation where you are lying down on a lazy day, watching a motivation video of some sort, and getting all excited about it? You think to yourself that this routine, or this app, or this technique will boost your productivity and change your whole life. This works for some time. You wake up every day and follow that routine, follow the technique, and get all productive. But, as time goes by, the initial drive, the new technique or routine brings gradually decreases until it feels like it does not work anymore.
So what did change during these few weeks or so, that the app or technique or whatever pushed you so much does not push you at all?
This behavior is related to our minds adapting to the situation, adapting to the new technique or productivity. Our brains are getting bored with the routine, and the very thing that made you feel so motivated is now mundane since you do it every single day.
Does this mean all the routines are crap?
No, even the routine you are currently following might be the golden key to your productive and successful life. You need to tweak a few things in the same routine you are following, the same routine that you found, and felt like it is going to change your life and make you super productive.
What are these tweaks?
The most important thing we need to do, to trick our minds into maintaining the same level of drive, the same level of productivity, is to change our routine slightly. Even if it is only swapping the tasks or removing one from one day and adding to others. This seems like a very dull thing to do and very ineffective as well. Still, when you introduce changes such as these, which can also extend to adopting a different routine every few weeks, our minds are fed continuously with dopamine, which brings along the motivation and drive to become productive in whatever we do.
The other important thing to do is taking breaks often, preferably at least once a week. This break at the end of the week gives your mind and body time to recharge and refuel for the upcoming week. This facilitates maximum productivity and prime focus in the next week.
One other thing is to introduce something like the Pomodoro technique into your workdays as well. Research shows that following a cycle: 25-minute work and 5-minute break, for a couple of times and a long break after and repeat, maintains and boosts your ability to focus throughout the day.
I hope this helped. Thank you for reading!