Today, we will be creating a rest server using Spring Boot in under 5 minutes.
To get started head on to
In our starter project we will need the following dependencies:
- Spring Web
- Spring Data JPA
- Rest Repositories
- H2 Database (In memory database)
It should look like:

Now, we import the project into our IDE, in my case I am using IntelliJ .
Your imported project will look something like this:

Lets create a Entity object which is basically a Table in your Database. In a file called main/java/com/awale/restserver/entity/Player.java
import javax.persistence.*;
public class Player {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String position;
private String team;
// Include Getters and setters
Now we need something that will handle the database connections, sql statements and everything related to persistence. This will be done by our PlayerRepository which will extend a JPARepository which does the actual magic.
In file main/repository/PlayerRepository.java
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;@Repository
public interface PlayerRepository extends JpaRepository<Player, Long> {
This is all the code that is required to expose our Player entity to our rest server. We just have to add in a few configurations according to the database we are using. Since we are using an H2 database, we configure it as follows.
In main/resources/application.properties
spring.h2.console.enabled=true // console acts like a db manager
Since we are using a H2 database which is an in memory database we will add some db statements that insert data to test our rest server.
In main/resources/data.sql
INSERT Into Players (first_name,last_name,position,team) values ('Ram','Daniel', 'Striker', 'AFC');
INSERT Into Players (first_name,last_name,position,team) values ('Rob','Bott', 'Striker', 'AFC');
INSERT Into Players (first_name,last_name,position,team) values ('Trevor','Carry', 'Striker', 'AFC');
INSERT Into Players (first_name,last_name,position,team) values ('Trad','Daniel', 'Striker', 'AFC');
And this is it. You can run the application and test your rest server at localhost:8080/players

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The video guide is present below.